CONTROLLING PROVISIONS -本文件, 包括本协议正面的任何规定,以及通过引用(连同本条款和条件)纳入本条款和条件的任何签署协议中的任何规定, (“合同”)构成芝加哥水龙头公司(“公司”)就“芝加哥水龙头”品牌产品向本要约所针对的买方(“买方”)提供本协议中描述的产品(“产品”)的要约。. 如果本文件被视为买方对先前要约的接受, 该等接受仅限于本协议所载的明示条款. 本要约及买方对本要约的接受仅限于本条款, 本要约中包含的契约和条件. 本公司特此反对并拒绝任何额外的, different or varying terms proposed by Buyer, 除非公司在签署的协议中明确同意这些条款. Such proposal of additional, 买方的不同或变更条款不应被视为拒绝本公司的报价,除非该等差异是在描述条款中, 数量, 供货产品的价格或交货地点或日期, 公司的要约应被视为接受,不附加该等条款, different or varying terms. 本合同是双方之间的最终协议,构成了公司和买方之间关于产品条款的最终表达,是这些条款的完整和排他性声明. 任何条款, 条件, 不包含在本合同中的谈判或谅解,除非采用书面形式并由公司和买方签署,否则不具有任何效力. The Company's 出售s representatives are without authority to change the terms of this Contract. Buyer shall be deemed to have made an unqualified acceptance of this offer and these terms and conditions on the earliest of the following to occur:  (1) the Company's receipt of a copy of this Contract signed by Buyer or any signed agreement that incorporates these terms and conditions by reference (with scanned or facsimile signatures treated as original signatures); (2) Buyer's payment of any amounts due under this Contract; (3) Buyer's delivery to the Company of any material to be furnished by Buyer; (4) the Company's delivery of the 产品; (5) failure by Buyer to notify the Company to the contrary before placing an order; (6) failure by Buyer to notify the Company to the contrary within ten days after receipt of this Contract; or (7) any other event constituting acceptance under applicable law. 买方授予许可并同意本公司发送或传输通信(包括但不限于传真), 文本, (无线通信和电子邮件),包括, without limitation, advertisements and promotions. It is the express wish of the parties that this Contract and any related documents be drafted in English. Il est la volonté expresse des parties que cette convention et tous les documents s`y rattachent soient rédigés en anglais.

THE COMPANY'S POLICIES -本公司保留不时制定政策的权利,包括, without limitation, minimum advertised pricing policies.  The Company will provide copies of policies on request; Buyer can find copies of such policies at  Buyer shall comply with such policies and any other such policies as 公司可以 enact from time to time.

价格 -所报价格如有更改,恕不另行通知,所有已接受的订单均以输入订单时的现行价格为准.

付款条件 -除非公司另有规定,净付款期限为发票日起60天. A 1-1/2% cash discount will be allowed on invoices paid on or before 50 days from invoice date. 现金折扣必须按发票总额计算, 不包括运输费用和任何适用的税款. 1-1/2%的折扣不适用于任何预付款项,C.O.D., or credit cards.  每月1-1/2%的服务费(或法律允许的最高费率), 如果较低)将被添加到所有过期发票中. 买方同意向本公司偿还本公司在收取买方欠本公司的任何款项时发生的所有成本和费用,包括, without limitation, attorneys' fees and repossession fees. 买方不得对应付给本公司的款项抵销任何索赔. Prices are stated and payable in U.S. 美元.

税的通知 -买方应按要求向本公司支付或偿还所有税款, fees and 成本 包括, but not limited to, any manufacturer's tax, retailer's occupation tax, 使用税收, 销售税, 消费税, 增值税, 责任, customs agent or broker fees, inspection or testing fee, 运费, 保险, consular fees or any other tax, fee or charge of any nature whatsoever, 包括 interest imposed on, 与本公司和买方之间的任何交易有关或由其衡量的, in addition to the prices quoted or invoiced.

信贷审批 – All orders are subject to credit approval by the Company's Credit Department prior to acceptance of the order. At the Company's option, orders may be ref使用d, the Company's obligations may be terminated, 款项可宣布立即到期应付, credit terms may be changed, 对于已接受的订单,可拒绝交付和/或在运输途中停止发货,而本公司不承担任何责任, 如果买方不履行本协议项下的义务,或者如果, in the Company's sole opinion, Buyer's ability to pay for the 产品 on the terms and conditions contained herein is in doubt. All New Accounts must submit a $500 U.S. 最低净订购量须附有信用及银行证明.

安全利益 – The Company reserves a purchase money security interest in the 产品 sold in the amount of the purchase price. 这些利息应以全额支付的方式偿还. 本条款的副本可随时作为融资报表提交给有关当局,以完善公司的担保权益, or in the alternative, 买方在此同意应本公司的要求签署适当的UCC表格,以完善本公司的购买资金担保权益. 

订单 -买方的订单在本公司接受并确认后即为确定. 本公司可自行决定接受或拒绝订单. 只有经本公司授权代表书面批准,买方方可取消所有未交付的产品. 如果买方取消订单, 买方应向本公司支付其合理的成本和费用, 加上本公司同类工作的通常利润率. 未经本公司事先同意,买方不得更改或修改其订单或其任何部分, 书面同意. 本公司保留更改价格的权利, terms of payment and delivery dates for any 产品 affected by any alterations or modification to which it consents.  订单或双方同意的变更订单受本合同所有条款的约束, 无论顺序还是改变顺序都是如此.

SHIPPING AND HANDLING -除本段另有规定外,所有销售均为F.O.B. the Company's facility (the "Facility") (EX WORKS the Facility for deliveries to Buyers outside 美国nited States, 根据国际商会2010年国际贸易术语解释通则, as amended ("INCOTERMS")).  The Company shall have no obligation or risk of loss of or damage to 产品 following delivery at the Facility, 即使本公司出于对买方的礼貌同意安排运输. 任何此类运输应由买方自行承担风险和费用, except to the extent described below. 本公司将允许以现行CWT费率全额运费运输本公司的产品,其发票净值为:

$1,500 U.S. 当货物在美国大陆境内时,或;

$1,500 U.S. or more when shipments are to Canada

并将买方通常的营业地址或指定的工作地点作为目的地. FFA terms are for Standard shipments only. 原始P.O. must meet FFA (full freight allowed) terms. Subsequent additions will be considered to战争ds freight allowance if no parts of the order have previously shipped. 如果买方要求本公司对已接受的订单进行部分装运, 此运费补贴应仅适用于这些单独的零件运输,其本身的发票净值为1美元,500 U.S. 或以上(美国大陆)或1,500美元.S. (加拿大). 运往阿拉斯加和夏威夷的运费按F计算.A.S., Seattle, Washington. "F.A.“S”应根据国际贸易术语解释通则定义,但不应被视为在将供货产品交付给初始承运人后,将有关供货产品或其装运的任何风险或义务强加给订约公司. Under no circumstances will a direct C.O.D. 已装船. 发货路线应由本公司自行决定.

交付 – Delivery to the Facility (or, for shipments to Alaska and Hawaii, (初始承运人)即构成交付给买方. The Company's responsibility and liability for loss or damage in transit cease upon such delivery, and all 产品 are shipped at Buyer's risk. Buyer shall check each incoming shipment carefully before acknowledging receipt from the carrier. If 产品 are visibly damaged, Buyer should insist that written confirmation of the damage be noted on the freight bill by the carrier. If concealed damage is noted after unpacking, Buyer should immediately notify the carrier involved and obtain verification of the damage from the carrier. 除非在本合同项下交货后30天内向本公司提出订单短缺或错误索赔,否则不予考虑. 如果买方未能在上述期限内提出索赔,则构成买方不合格接受并放弃所有此类索赔. 所有运输中或未交货的损害索赔必须由买方向承运人提出. Partial shipments shall be permitted. All delivery dates are approximate. Delivery dates given by the Company are based on prompt receipt of all necessary information regarding the order. 本公司将尽合理努力满足该等交付日期, but does not guarantee to meet such dates. 在货物离开公司仓库和/或造成任何形式的损害后,公司未能按时交货不构成取消货物的理由. Time for delivery shall not be of the essence. 由于超出公司合理控制范围的原因造成的任何交货延迟, 或因政府命令或规定而需要优先或分配, 或由于以下句子中指定的任何原因, 应将交货期限延长一段与该延迟的时间相等的时间. In the event of delay in delivery requested by Buyer or ca使用d by Buyer's (1) failure to supply adequate instructions; (2) failure to arrange for transit or pickup; (3) failure to supply or approve necessary data in a timely manner; (4) requested changes; or (5) failure to provide documents required for the Company to effect delivery, 本公司将储存所有产品,风险和费用由买方承担. 买方应根据本公司的要求支付所有存储费用和费用.

不可抗力 – The Company will not be responsible for delay in delivery of 产品 or other default under this Contract, 或因此而遭受损害的赔偿, 当延误或违约是意外发生时, 火, 洪水, 禁运, 恐怖主义, strike, 战争, 劳工罢工, inadequate 运输ation, shortage of materials, delay or default on the part of vendors, 政府法规或其他无法控制的原因.  If performance by the Company under this Contract cannot be accomplished due to any such ca使用, 公司可以, 由其选择, 取消本合同而不承担任何责任.

退货 – 产品 may not be returned to the Company unless prior written approval is obtained by Buyer from the Company. 所有经许可退回的产品均可获得退款, at the prevailing price at time of purchase, 减少25%的最低处理费(如果需要重新包装则为35%). 未列在本公司现行价格表上的产品,或在出厂后12个月或更长时间内退货,概不接受信用证, 除非符合本公司提供的任何适用的有限保证. Transportation must be prepaid by Buyer. 如果本公司确定退货是由于本公司的错误造成的,则买方的账户将被记入运费.

产品的变化 -本公司保留在不另行通知的情况下对其产品及其包装进行任何形式的合理更改的权利.

最低收费 -不开具低于100美元的发票.S. (One Hundred Dollars Net invoice amount).

适用法律 -本合同及本合同项下的任何争议均受伊利诺伊州内部法管辖并按其解释, 不考虑与法律原则的冲突. 本合同和本合同项下的销售均不受《bte365官网地址》的规定管辖. Any ca使用 of action, 索赔, 买方因本合同条款或双方关系引起的或与之相关的诉讼或要求,应向位于伊利诺伊州的法院提出. Both parties hereby irrevocably admit themselves to and consent to the jurisdiction of said Court.  The English language version of this Contract shall 政府ern any translation into another language.  本合同期满或因任何原因终止时, 公司享有法律规定的一切权利和救济, 包括, without limitation, 根据《bte365官网地址》或买方所在地或存储产品所在司法管辖区的任何后续法规或类似法规,担保方享有的权利.  任何诉讼必须在产品交付后一年内开始, 尽管有任何相反的法定限制.

SEVERABILITY; WAIVER -本合同任何规定或条款的无效不影响本合同任何其他规定或条款的有效性. 本公司保留纠正与价格或本合同中任何其他条款有关的笔误或类似错误的权利. The failure of either party to insist, in any one or more instances, upon performance of any term, 本合同的契约或条件不应被解释为放弃或放弃本合同项下授予的任何权利或该条款的未来履行, covenant or condition.

COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS -买方同意遵守适用于购买的所有法律法规, 运输, 使用, 存储, 出售, 租赁及/或处置产品,包括, without limitation, to the extent applicable, 美国.S. 《bte365官网地址》及其所有法规, 买方应使其雇员和代理人遵守该等法律法规. 

CALIFORNIA RESIDENTS / PROPOSITION 65 -加州65号提案要求加州消费者收到关于含有加州已知会导致癌症、出生缺陷或其他生殖危害的化学物质的任何产品的警告, The State of California requires the following notice: WARNING: This product can expose you to lead, which is known to the State of California to ca使用 cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information go to 

赋值 -未经本公司事先书面同意,买方不得转让本合同, 公司可自行决定拒绝哪些同意. Subject to the foregoing, this Contract shall inure to the benefit of, and be binding upon, 当事人及其各自的继承人和受让人. 本公司的保修限制和免责条款以及损害限制和免责条款, (三)其履行或效力自然存续的其他规定, 在本合同期满或因任何原因终止后仍然有效. All of the Company's remedies herein are cumulative and not exclusive of any other remedies available to Company at law, by contract or in equity.

INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR -买方为独立承包商,买方及其任何雇员或代理人均不应被视为本公司的雇员. 买方及其任何雇员或代理人均无权代表本公司承担任何义务或作出任何承诺或陈述.

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY – The Company does not grant, and Buyer does not acquire, 任何许可证, 权利, 任何商标或商号的所有权或权益, 根据本合同或与销售任何产品有关的bte365官网或其他知识产权, and Buyer shall not make, or allow any of its affiliates to make, 未经本公司事先书面许可,使用或以任何方式提及本公司的商标或商号. 买方同意其及其关联方均不会寻求注册本公司拥有或使用的任何商标或商号, 如果买方或其任何关联方确实获得了该等注册, 买方或其关联方应立即将其转让给本公司.  买方承认并同意本公司拥有所有权利, title and interest in and to the trademarks, 贸易名称, 与产品有关的bte365官网和其他知识产权.  Buyer shall promptly inform the Company of any potential or actual infringement of Company's trademarks, 贸易名称, 外观bte365官网等知识产权.

BUYER'S INDEMNIFICATION OF THE COMPANY -买方特此免责并同意及时抗辩, 赔偿并持有本公司及其附属公司及其股东, 董事, 军官, 员工, successors and assigns (collectively, “公司各方”)免于承担所有责任, 损失, 索赔, 判断, 行动, 罚款, 处罚, 成本, 损害赔偿, attorneys' fees and expenses (collectively, "Damages") arising out of or relating to (a) the alleged violation of any law by Buyer or any of its 员工, 代理, successors or assigns ("Buyer Parties"), (b) bodily injuries, deaths or property damage ca使用d by the negligent or wrongful act or omission of Buyer or any of the Buyer Parties, (c)买方或任何买方一方违反本合同的行为, (d) any failure to install or maintain 产品 in accordance with the Company's written instructions,  (e) Buyer's specifications for 产品, (f) Buyer's products, (g)买方侵犯任何个人或实体的专利或专有权利, and/or (h) improper 使用 of the 产品.  Prior to settling any 索赔, Buyer will give the Company an opportunity to participate in the defense and/or settlement of such 索赔.  未经本公司书面同意,买方不得解决任何索赔.  如果发生任何影响产品的召回, 本公司有权控制召回过程,买方应在召回过程中与本公司充分合作.  无论该等损失是否发生,本条规定均有效, 损害或伤害是由公司或任何公司方的全部或部分疏忽行为或不作为直接造成的.





终身保修 -任何金属铸件, 伪造的, stamped or formed portion of the Product, 不包括电子或活动部件或本有限保修单独涵盖的其他产品或限水组件或其他组件, 是否保证在产品使用寿命内不受材料制造缺陷的影响.

FIVE YEAR WARRANTY -自产品购买之日起五(5)年内,保证某些产品或部分产品不存在重大制造缺陷. 从产品购买之日起五(5)年内保证无重大制造缺陷的产品称为产品系列90, 99, 150, 410, 420, 430, 机顶盒, STC), W4D, W4W, W8D, W8W, 1900, 1905, SH, 537, 548, 549, 640, 897, 2500, 8400, 9800 and E-Tronic™.

FIVE YEAR CARTRIDGE WARRANTY -“墨盒”, defined as the metal portion of any Product typically referred to by the product numbers containing 1-099, 1-100, 217, 274, 313, 333, 335, 376, 377, 386, 408, 409, 617, 625, 628, 667, 670, 671, 672, 745, 776, 807, 824, 825, 826, 919, 937, 962, 966, 977, 1105, 2500, 3300和5235,不包括任何橡胶或塑料部件, is 战争ranted against material manufacturing defects for a period of five (5) years from the date of Product purchase.

ONE YEAR FINISH WARRANTY – COMMERCIAL – For 产品 使用d in commercial applications, 从产品购买之日起一(1)年内,保证产品的成品不存在材料制造缺陷.

电子和计量水龙头机械保修 -电子和计量水龙头机械保证材料制造缺陷,从产品购买之日起五(5)年.

ELECTRONIC AND SOLENOID WARRANTY -电子产品和螺线管保证从产品购买之日起三(3)年内不会出现材料制造缺陷. 本保修单不包括电池的使用寿命. The Company offers 没有保修 for Product batteries.

LIMITED COMMANDER™ HANDHELD DEVICE WARRANTY - 芝加哥水龙头 Commander™手持式编程单元在设备购买之日起一(1)年内保证不存在材料制造缺陷, subject to the exclusions noted below. 指挥官单元包括电池和微型usb电缆,保证在一段时间内防止材料制造缺陷 三十(30)天 from the date of device purchase. 本公司对因安装Commander桌面软件(可从www下载)而造成的任何系统损坏概不负责, 为指挥官设备对任何系统造成的损害负责, 或第三方适配器或与设备一起使用的其他设备造成的损坏.

其他担保 -上述未涵盖的所有其他产品在产品购买之日起一(1)年内保证不存在重大制造缺陷.

WHAT THIS WARRANTY DOES NOT COVER -公司不承担任何劳务费, 上述未特别说明的运输或相应费用. 有 没有保修 in cases of damage in transit, 疏忽, 滥用, 不正常使用, 滥用, 事故, normal wear and tear, 环境或自然因素造成的损害, failure to follow the Company's instructions, unauthorized repair, incorrectly performed maintenance or repair, 安装、储存或使用酸性或研磨性清洁材料不当. In order for this Warranty to apply, Buyer must retain and provide to the Company receipts showing date of Product purchase and documenting proper maintenance. 对产品的任何口头或书面描述仅用于识别产品,不应被解释为明示保证. THE COMPANY SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO BUYER, OR TO ANYONE CLAIMING UNDER BUYER, FOR ANY OTHER OBLIGATIONS OR LIABILITIES, 包括, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, 因违反合同或保证而产生的义务或责任, 过失或其他侵权行为或任何严格责任理论, 关于产品或公司的作为或不作为或其他方面.  THE COMPANY AND BUYER AGREE THAT THE EXPRESS WARRANTIES DESCRIBED ABOVE ARE EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL 其他担保.  ALL OTHER EXPRESS WARRANTIES 是否认.  FOR COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS, ALL WARRANTIES IMPLIED BY LAW, 包括 WITHOUT LIMITATION THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, 是否认.  FOR CONSUMER PRODUCTS, WARRANTIES IMPLIED BY LAW, 包括适销性和适合某一特定目的, ARE EXPRESSLY LIMITED TO THE PERIOD OF THE EXPRESS LIMITED WARRANTY STATED ABOVE FOR THE RELEVANT PRODUCT. 有些州不允许限制默示保证的持续时间, so the above limitation may not apply to Buyer. 本公司在本条款之外向买方提供或为买方争取的任何协助, 本保证的限制或排除不构成对条款的放弃, 本有限保证的限制或排除, 这种帮助也不会延长或恢复保修. 本公司将不偿还买方因修理而产生的任何费用, correcting or replacing any defective 产品, 除非事先得到公司的书面许可. Prior to using or permitting 使用 of 产品, Buyer shall determine the suitability of the products’ intended 使用 and Buyer’s operating conditions.  买方承担与此相关的所有风险和责任.  买方同意测试和评估样品,以确保符合所有规格, 质量要求和买方申请的其他要求. 本公司不保证所提供信息的准确性,也不保证就产品是否适合买方的应用或操作条件所作的建议的准确性. 

HOW TO GET SERVICE – For complete 战争ranty details, 或提供保修索赔或要求保修服务的通知, 联系您的芝加哥水龙头销售代表或芝加哥水龙头公司, 客户服务, 2100 S. Clearwater Drive, Des plains, Illinois, 60018或847-803-5000.  As the Company's sole and exclusive obligation under this 战争ranty (and Buyer's sole and exclusive remedy), 在质保期内,买方立即书面通知买方违约, the Company will either replace or repair the defective Product or refund the whole出售 purchase price, 由其选择, if an inspection by the Company discloses defects in material or workmanship covered by this 战争ranty.  这些保证条款不包括随电子产品发货的电池.  

损害赔偿限制-在任何情况下,公司不承担任何附带责任, 重要的, INDIRECT OR SPECIAL DAMAGES (包括, WITHOUT LIMITATION, (二)生产或设施使用损失造成的损失。. WITHOUT LIMITING THE FOREGOING, 对于commander™设备或任何软件或相关设备据称对系统或其他方面造成的任何损害,公司概不负责. 公司对缺陷产品和本合同的总责任应限于等于支付给公司的相关产品的金额.

Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential 损害赔偿, 因此,上述限制或排除可能不适用于买方.

HOW DOES STATE LAW APPLY? -本保证给予买方特定的法律权利, 买方还可享有各州不同的其他权利.

Restrictions Apply



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